General knowledge of Liberec Region the state/province of Czech Republic

Mostly asked questions about the province Liberec Region

What is the country of Liberec Region ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Liberec Region ?

How many cities are in the state Liberec Region ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Liberec Region ?

What are the name of cities of Liberec Region ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Liberec Region

First question is about the country which is Czech Republic and CZ is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Liberec Region there is only 59 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Liberec Region by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Liberec Region
Country Name flag of CZ Czech Republic
Country Code CZ
Total States of Czech Republic 107
Total Cities of State 59

All Cities of Liberec Region

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Žandov 50.71394000 14.39623000
2 Železný Brod 50.64274000 15.25408000
3 Česká Lípa 50.68551000 14.53764000
4 Český Dub 50.66054000 14.99617000
5 Benecko 50.66633000 15.54816000
6 Brniště 50.72919000 14.70338000
7 Chrastava 50.81693000 14.96884000
8 Cvikov 50.77668000 14.63298000
9 Desná 50.75987000 15.30284000
10 Doksy 50.56471000 14.65553000
11 Dubá 50.54034000 14.54023000
12 Frýdlant 50.92139000 15.07974000
13 Harrachov 50.77209000 15.43141000
14 Hejnice 50.87720000 15.18168000
15 Hodkovice nad Mohelkou 50.66586000 15.08985000
16 Horní Branná 50.60826000 15.57146000
17 Hrádek nad Nisou 50.85279000 14.84455000
18 Jablonec nad Jizerou 50.70347000 15.42959000
19 Jablonec nad Nisou 50.72431000 15.17108000
20 Jablonné v Podještědí 50.76528000 14.76052000
21 Janov nad Nisou 50.77204000 15.16913000
22 Jilemnice 50.60890000 15.50653000
23 Josefův Důl 50.78191000 15.23146000
24 Kamenický Šenov 50.77359000 14.47287000
25 Košťálov 50.57165000 15.40403000
26 Kořenov 50.75926000 15.36532000
27 Liberec 50.76711000 15.05619000
28 Lomnice nad Popelkou 50.53062000 15.37341000
29 Lučany nad Nisou 50.74136000 15.22046000
30 Malá Skála 50.64631000 15.19543000
31 Mimoň 50.65869000 14.72474000
32 Mníšek 50.83163000 15.05630000
33 Nové Město pod Smrkem 50.92491000 15.22943000
34 Nový Bor 50.75761000 14.55555000
35 Ohrazenice 50.59765000 15.12596000
36 Okres Česká Lípa 50.66667000 14.66667000
37 Okres Jablonec nad Nisou 50.75000000 15.25000000
38 Okres Liberec 50.83333000 15.08333000
39 Okres Semily 50.61667000 15.41667000
40 Osečná 50.69489000 14.92138000
41 Pěnčín 50.68769000 15.23593000
42 Příšovice 50.57813000 15.08390000
43 Plavy 50.70324000 15.31736000
44 Poniklá 50.66152000 15.46329000
45 Raspenava 50.90415000 15.11465000
46 Rokytnice nad Jizerou 50.72561000 15.43357000
47 Rovensko pod Troskami 50.53532000 15.25941000
48 Semily 50.60191000 15.33552000
49 Smržovka 50.73820000 15.24639000
50 Stráž nad Nisou 50.79099000 15.02683000
51 Stráž pod Ralskem 50.70280000 14.80102000
52 Studenec 50.55344000 15.54936000
53 Tanvald 50.73735000 15.30585000
54 Turnov 50.58356000 15.15186000
55 Valdice 50.58350000 15.41248000
56 Velké Hamry 50.71373000 15.31539000
57 Višňova 50.96663000 15.02495000
58 Vysoké nad Jizerou 50.68559000 15.40152000
59 Zákupy 50.68475000 14.64522000